
Table: Salary

| Column Name   | Type |  
| id            | int  |  
| employee_id  | int  |  
| amount        | int  |  
| pay_date     | date |  

id is the primary key column for this table.  
Each row of this table indicates the salary of an employee in one month.  
employee_id is a foreign key from the Employee table.

Table: Employee

| Column Name   | Type |  
| employee_id   | int  |  
| department_id | int  |  

employee_id is the primary key column for this table.  
Each row of this table indicates the department of an employee.

Write an SQL query to report the comparison result (higher/lower/same) of the average salary of employees in a department to the company’s average salary.

Return the result table in any order.

SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists Salary (id int, employee_id int, amount int, pay_date date)  
Create table If Not Exists Employee (employee_id int, department_id int)  
Truncate table Salary  
insert into Salary (id, employee_id, amount, pay_date) values ('1', '1', '9000', '2017/03/31')  
insert into Salary (id, employee_id, amount, pay_date) values ('2', '2', '6000', '2017/03/31')  
insert into Salary (id, employee_id, amount, pay_date) values ('3', '3', '10000', '2017/03/31')  
insert into Salary (id, employee_id, amount, pay_date) values ('4', '1', '7000', '2017/02/28')  
insert into Salary (id, employee_id, amount, pay_date) values ('5', '2', '6000', '2017/02/28')  
insert into Salary (id, employee_id, amount, pay_date) values ('6', '3', '8000', '2017/02/28')  
Truncate table Employee  
insert into Employee (employee_id, department_id) values ('1', '1')  
insert into Employee (employee_id, department_id) values ('2', '2')  
insert into Employee (employee_id, department_id) values ('3', '2')


  • 題目要求列出每個月份,每個部門平均薪資,和整個公司平均薪資的比較結果,並顯示高 higher/ 相等 same/ 低 lower的結果。
| pay_month | department_id | comparison |  
| 2017-02   | 1             | same       |  
| 2017-03   | 1             | higher     |  
| 2017-02   | 2             | same       |  
| 2017-03   | 2             | lower      |  
  • 透過 with clause 建立 company_salary 表格,帶出每個月份公司的平均薪資。
    選擇 salary 作為主要表格,因為 company_salary 表格不需要區分個別部門的員工薪資。
  • 透過 with clause 建立 department_salary 表格,帶出每個月份,每個部門的平均薪資。
    查詢 employee 作為主要表格並關聯 salary 表格,employee.department_id 可以作為區分員工部門的依據,便能計算出每個部門的平均薪資。
  • 查詢 company_salary 作為主要表格並關聯 department_salary 表格,最後以 pay_month 升序、 department_id 升序輸出最後查詢結果。
    利用 if( condition, statement for condition true, statement for condition false ) 函示,並使用連續的 if() 判斷式來達成顯示高 higher/ 相等 same/ 低 lower的結果。


company_salary as (  
        date_format(pay_date, "%Y-%m") as pay_month,  
        avg(amount) as avg_salary  
    from salary  
    group by month(pay_date)  
department_salary as (  
        date_format(b.pay_date, "%Y-%m") as pay_month,  
        avg(b.amount) as avg_salary  
    from employee a  
    join salary b using (employee_id)  
    group by a.department_id, month(b.pay_date)  
    a.pay_month as pay_month,  
    b.department_id as department_id,  
    if(b.avg_salary>a.avg_salary, "higher", if(b.avg_salary < a.avg_salary, "lower", "same")) as comparison  
from company_salary a  
join department_salary b using(pay_month)  
order by a.pay_month, b.department_id