
Table: Employee

| Column Name  | Type    |  
| id           | int     |  
| name         | varchar |  
| salary       | int     |  
| departmentId | int     |  

id is the primary key column for this table.  
departmentId is a foreign key of the ID from the Department table.  
Each row of this table indicates the ID, name, and salary of an employee. It also contains the ID of their department.

Table: Department

| Column Name | Type    |  
| id          | int     |  
| name        | varchar |  
id is the primary key column for this table.  
Each row of this table indicates the ID of a department and its name.

A company’s executives are interested in seeing who earns the most money in each of the company’s departments. A high earner in a department is an employee who has a salary in the top three unique salaries for that department.

Write an SQL query to find the employees who are high earners in each of the departments.

Return the result table in any order.

SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists Employee (id int, name varchar(255), salary int, departmentId int)  
Create table If Not Exists Department (id int, name varchar(255))  
Truncate table Employee  
insert into Employee (id, name, salary, departmentId) values ('1', 'Joe', '85000', '1')  
insert into Employee (id, name, salary, departmentId) values ('2', 'Henry', '80000', '2')  
insert into Employee (id, name, salary, departmentId) values ('3', 'Sam', '60000', '2')  
insert into Employee (id, name, salary, departmentId) values ('4', 'Max', '90000', '1')  
insert into Employee (id, name, salary, departmentId) values ('5', 'Janet', '69000', '1')  
insert into Employee (id, name, salary, departmentId) values ('6', 'Randy', '85000', '1')  
insert into Employee (id, name, salary, departmentId) values ('7', 'Will', '70000', '1')  
Truncate table Department  
insert into Department (id, name) values ('1', 'IT')  
insert into Department (id, name) values ('2', 'Sales')


  • 題目要求輸出每個部門中,收入排名前三高的員工。
| Department | Employee | Salary |  
| IT         | Max      | 90000  |  
| IT         | Joe      | 85000  |  
| IT         | Randy    | 85000  |  
| IT         | Will     | 70000  |  
| Sales      | Henry    | 80000  |  
| Sales      | Sam      | 60000  |  
  • 透過 with clause 建立 employee_info 表格,以提供每個部門內,每位員工的薪水排序結果。
    使用 dense_rank() 函式進行排序,dense_rank() 會以連續數字的方式給予排序結果 rn。如下情況
| Department | Employee | Salary | dense_rank() |  
| IT         | Max      | 90000  | 1            |  
| IT         | Joe      | 85000  | 2            |  
| IT         | Randy    | 85000  | 2            |  
| IT         | Will     | 70000  | 3            |  
| Sales      | Henry    | 80000  | 1            |  
| Sales      | Sam      | 60000  | 2            |  
  • 查詢 employee_info 作為主要表格,過濾條件以找出 employee_info.rn < 4 的 record set,即找出每個部門,收入排名前三高的員工。


employee_info as (  
        Department.id as departmentId , Department.name as Department ,   
        Employee.name as Employee, Employee.Salary as Salary,  
        dense_rank() over(partition by Department.id order by Employee.Salary desc ) rn  
    from Employee  
    join Department on Department.id = Employee.departmentId   
    employee_info.Department, employee_info.Employee, employee_info.Salary  
from employee_info  
where employee_info.rn < 4