
Table: Products

| Column Name | Type    |  
| product_id  | int     |  
| store       | varchar |  
| price       | int     |  
(product_id, store) is the primary key for this table.  
Each row of this table indicates the price of product_id in store.  
There will be at most 30 different stores in the table.  
price is the price of the product at this store.

Important note: This problem targets those who have a good experience with SQL. If you are a beginner, we recommend that you skip it for now.

Implement the procedure PivotProducts to reorganize the Products table so that each row has the id of one product and its price in each store. The price should be null if the product is not sold in a store. The columns of the table should contain each store and they should be sorted in lexicographical order.

The procedure should return the table after reorganizing it.

Return the result table in any order.

SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists Products (product_id int, store varchar(7), price int)  
Truncate table Products  
insert into Products (product_id, store, price) values ('1', 'Shop', '110')  
insert into Products (product_id, store, price) values ('1', 'LC_Store', '100')  
insert into Products (product_id, store, price) values ('2', 'Nozama', '200')  
insert into Products (product_id, store, price) values ('2', 'Souq', '190')  
insert into Products (product_id, store, price) values ('3', 'Shop', '1000')  
insert into Products (product_id, store, price) values ('3', 'Souq', '1900')


  • 題目要求輸出每個產品 product 在每間商店的售價
| product_id | LC_Store | Nozama | Shop | Souq |  
| 1          | 100      | null   | 110  | null |  
| 2          | null     | 200    | null | 190  |  
| 3          | null     | null   | 1000 | 1900 |  
  • 使用 group_concat() 組合樞紐表欄位的 sql statement,因樞紐表需依據 store 列出欄位,而 store 的數目是不固定的。
  • 使用 prepare statement 執行包含 group_concat() 預先組合好的 sql statement
  • 使用 group product_id 對樞紐表進行總計,因樞紐表要求依據 product 統計在不同 store 中的售價 price


CREATE PROCEDURE PivotProducts()  
    -- Override GROUP_CONCAT length which has a default limit of 1024  
    SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 1000000;  
    -- Store case statement for dynamically generated columns in a variable ie case_stmt  
    SET @case_stmt = NULL;  
    SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT('SUM(CASE WHEN store = "', store, '" THEN price END) AS ', store))  
    INTO @case_stmt  
    FROM products;  
    -- Insert above statement (@case_stmt) in the following main query to frame final query   
    SET @sql_query = CONCAT('SELECT product_id, ', @case_stmt, ' FROM products GROUP BY product_id');  
    -- Execute final query  
    PREPARE final_sql_query FROM @sql_query;  
    EXECUTE final_sql_query;  
    DEALLOCATE PREPARE final_sql_query;