
Table: Listens

| Column Name | Type    |  
| user_id     | int     |  
| song_id     | int     |  
| day         | date    |  
There is no primary key for this table. It may contain duplicates.  
Each row of this table indicates that the user user_id listened to the song song_id on the day day.

Table: Friendship

| Column Name   | Type    |  
| user1_id      | int     |  
| user2_id      | int     |  
(user1_id, user2_id) is the primary key for this table.  
Each row of this table indicates that the users user1_id and user2_id are friends.  
Note that user1_id < user2_id.

Write an SQL query to report the similar friends of Leetcodify users. A user x and user y are similar friends if:

  • Users x and y are friends, and
  • Users x and y listened to the same three or more different songs on the same day.

Return the result table in any order. Note that you must return the similar pairs of friends the same way they were represented in the input (i.e., always user1_id < user2_id).

SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists Listens (user_id int, song_id int, day date)  
Create table If Not Exists Friendship (user1_id int, user2_id int)  
Truncate table Listens  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('1', '10', '2021-03-15')  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('1', '11', '2021-03-15')  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('1', '12', '2021-03-15')  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('2', '10', '2021-03-15')  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('2', '11', '2021-03-15')  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('2', '12', '2021-03-15')  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('3', '10', '2021-03-15')  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('3', '11', '2021-03-15')  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('3', '12', '2021-03-15')  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('4', '10', '2021-03-15')  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('4', '11', '2021-03-15')  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('4', '13', '2021-03-15')  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('5', '10', '2021-03-16')  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('5', '11', '2021-03-16')  
insert into Listens (user_id, song_id, day) values ('5', '12', '2021-03-16')  
Truncate table Friendship  
insert into Friendship (user1_id, user2_id) values ('1', '2')  
insert into Friendship (user1_id, user2_id) values ('2', '4')  
insert into Friendship (user1_id, user2_id) values ('2', '5')


The query result format is in the following example.

| user1_id | user2_id |  
| 1        | 2        |  

Fulfill requirements :

The thinking process like as [leetcode][Database][Hard] 1917. Leetcodify Friends Recommendations, the different is this question asking to find similar friend (i.e. user x and user y have a pair record in Friendship).

So, we can do that with the same logic to find user x and user y are listened to the same three or more different songs on the same day or not.

  1. Listing each user and their friends cte_user_friends .
  2. To avoid the records that user listen the same song in a day, using the distinct to remove duplicates records.

Finally, counting the song_id via group by day, user_id, recommended_id, and filtering the counting song_id value large than or equals to 3 after group by statement.


cte_user_friends as (  
    select user1_id as user1_id, user2_id as user2_id from Friendship  
    select user2_id as user1_id, user1_id as user2_id from Friendship  
cte_listen_distinct as (  
    select distinct   
        user_id, song_id , day  
    from Listens  
cte_similar_friend as (  
        a.user_id as user1_id, b.user_id as user2_id  
    from cte_listen_distinct a # user1  
    left join cte_listen_distinct b on b.song_id=a.song_id and # user2  
    left join cte_user_friends c on c.user1_id = a.user_id and c.user2_id = b.user_id  
    where a.user_id <> b.user_id and user1_id is not null  
    group by, a.user_id, b.user_id  
    having count(a.song_id) >=3  
select distinct  
    b.user1_id, b.user2_id  
from Friendship a  
join cte_similar_friend b on b.user1_id = a.user1_id and b.user2_id = a.user2_id