
Table: Matches

| Column Name | Type |  
| player_id   | int  |  
| match_day   | date |  
| result      | enum |  
(player_id, match_day) is the primary key for this table.  
Each row of this table contains the ID of a player, the day of the match they played, and the result of that match.  
The result column is an ENUM type of ('Win', 'Draw', 'Lose').

The winning streak of a player is the number of consecutive wins uninterrupted by draws or losses.

Write an SQL query to count the longest winning streak for each player.

Return the result table in any order.

SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists Matches (player_id int, match_day date, result ENUM('Win', 'Draw', 'Lose'))  
Truncate table Matches  
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('1', '2022-01-17', 'Win')  
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('1', '2022-01-18', 'Win')  
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('1', '2022-01-25', 'Win')  
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('1', '2022-01-31', 'Draw')  
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('1', '2022-02-08', 'Win')  
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('2', '2022-02-06', 'Lose')  
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('2', '2022-02-08', 'Lose')  
insert into Matches (player_id, match_day, result) values ('3', '2022-03-30', 'Win')


The query result format is in the following example.

| player_id | longest_streak |  
| 1         | 3              |  
| 2         | 0              |  
| 3         | 1              |  

Fulfill requirements :

I guess that I have to extract each game result which is not a winner, and convert _a split timeline_ for each player to help calculating _longest winning streak_.

So, I marked each game and sorted by match_day of each player, that will help to find losing matches, then I can use it as a split timeline to calculate with win of continuous games.


game_result_rn as (  
        row_number() over(partition by player_id order by match_day) as rn,  
        player_id, result  
    from Matches  
player_lose_game_rn as (  
        player_id, rn,  
        ifnull(lead(rn, 1) over(partition by player_id order by rn) ,rn) as next_rn  
    from (  
        select  player_id, 0 as rn from game_result_rn group by player_id  
            player_id, rn  
        from game_result_rn  
        where result <> 'Win'  
        select  player_id, max(rn)+1 as rn from game_result_rn group by player_id  
    ) a  
count_player_win as (  
    select distinct  
        count(result) over(partition by a.player_id, b.next_rn) as longest_streak  
    from game_result_rn a  
    left join player_lose_game_rn b on b.player_id=a.player_id  
    where a.rn between b.rn and b.next_rn and a.result = 'Win'  
    ifnull(max(b.longest_streak), 0) as longest_streak  
from (  
    select distinct player_id from Matches  
) a  
left join count_player_win b using(player_id)  
group by a.player_id