
Table: Friendship

| Column Name   | Type    |  
| user1_id      | int     |  
| user2_id      | int     |  
(user1_id, user2_id) is the primary key for this table.  
Each row of this table indicates that the users user1_id and user2_id are friends.

Table: Likes

| Column Name | Type    |  
| user_id     | int     |  
| page_id     | int     |  
(user_id, page_id) is the primary key for this table.  
Each row of this table indicates that user_id likes page_id.

You are implementing a page recommendation system for a social media website. Your system will recommended a page to user_id if the page is liked by at least one friend of user_id and is not liked by user_id.

Write an SQL query to find all the possible page recommendations for every user. Each recommendation should appear as a row in the result table with these columns:

  • user_id: The ID of the user that your system is making the recommendation to.
  • page_id: The ID of the page that will be recommended to user_id.
  • friends_likes: The number of the friends of user_id that like page_id.

Return result table in any order.

SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists Friendship (user1_id int, user2_id int)  
Create table If Not Exists Likes (user_id int, page_id int)  
Truncate table Friendship  
insert into Friendship (user1_id, user2_id) values ('1', '2')  
insert into Friendship (user1_id, user2_id) values ('1', '3')  
insert into Friendship (user1_id, user2_id) values ('1', '4')  
insert into Friendship (user1_id, user2_id) values ('2', '3')  
insert into Friendship (user1_id, user2_id) values ('2', '4')  
insert into Friendship (user1_id, user2_id) values ('2', '5')  
insert into Friendship (user1_id, user2_id) values ('6', '1')  
Truncate table Likes  
insert into Likes (user_id, page_id) values ('1', '88')  
insert into Likes (user_id, page_id) values ('2', '23')  
insert into Likes (user_id, page_id) values ('3', '24')  
insert into Likes (user_id, page_id) values ('4', '56')  
insert into Likes (user_id, page_id) values ('5', '11')  
insert into Likes (user_id, page_id) values ('6', '33')  
insert into Likes (user_id, page_id) values ('2', '77')  
insert into Likes (user_id, page_id) values ('3', '77')  
insert into Likes (user_id, page_id) values ('6', '88')


The query result format is in the following example.

| user_id | page_id | friends_likes |  
| 1       | 77      | 2             |  
| 1       | 23      | 1             |  
| 1       | 24      | 1             |  
| 1       | 56      | 1             |  
| 1       | 33      | 1             |  
| 2       | 24      | 1             |  
| 2       | 56      | 1             |  
| 2       | 11      | 1             |  
| 2       | 88      | 1             |  
| 3       | 88      | 1             |  
| 3       | 23      | 1             |  
| 4       | 88      | 1             |  
| 4       | 77      | 1             |  
| 4       | 23      | 1             |  
| 5       | 77      | 1             |  
| 5       | 23      | 1             |  

Fulfill requirements :

The thinking process like as [leetcode][Database][Hard]1972. First and Last Call On the Same Day, so the first step is listing each user and their friends cte_all_users.

Finding the pages which are friends likes, then to find which pages both user and friends likes. Finally, filtering not match the condition : the page user not liked but friends did.

This solution have same concept with minus or except, finding the difference set between both user and friends likes pages and only friends like pages.


cte_all_users as (  
    select user1_id as user_id, user2_id as friend from Friendship  
    select user2_id as user_id, user1_id as friend from Friendship  
select distinct  
    a.user_id, b.page_id , count(a.friend) as friends_likes  
from cte_all_users a  
join Likes b on b.user_id = a.friend -- find the pages friend like  
left join Likes c on c.user_id = a.user_id and b.page_id = c.page_id -- find the pages both user and friend like  
where c.page_id is null -- filtering not match the condition : the page user not liked but friends did.   
group by a.user_id, b.page_id