
Table: Failed

| Column Name  | Type    |  
| fail_date    | date    |  
fail_date is the primary key for this table.  
This table contains the days of failed tasks.

Table: Succeeded

| Column Name  | Type    |  
| success_date | date    |  
success_date is the primary key for this table.  
This table contains the days of succeeded tasks.

A system is running one task every day. Every task is independent of the previous tasks. The tasks can fail or succeed.

Write an SQL query to generate a report of period_state for each continuous interval of days in the period from 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31.

period_state is failed' if tasks in this interval failed or 'succeeded' if tasks in this interval succeeded. Interval of days are retrieved as start_date and end_date.

Return the result table ordered by start_date.

SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists Failed (fail_date date)  
Create table If Not Exists Succeeded (success_date date)  
Truncate table Failed  
insert into Failed (fail_date) values ('2018-12-28')  
insert into Failed (fail_date) values ('2018-12-29')  
insert into Failed (fail_date) values ('2019-01-04')  
insert into Failed (fail_date) values ('2019-01-05')  
Truncate table Succeeded  
insert into Succeeded (success_date) values ('2018-12-30')  
insert into Succeeded (success_date) values ('2018-12-31')  
insert into Succeeded (success_date) values ('2019-01-01')  
insert into Succeeded (success_date) values ('2019-01-02')  
insert into Succeeded (success_date) values ('2019-01-03')  
insert into Succeeded (success_date) values ('2019-01-06')

解題思考 (Variable 版本)

題目要求輸出 period_statestart_dateend_date 欄位的表格。
其中將連續日期都為相同 state 的定義為一個 period,且 start_dateend_date 將表示該 period 的起始日期和結束日期。

| period_state | start_date   | end_date     |  
| succeeded    | 2019-01-01   | 2019-01-03   |  
| failed       | 2019-01-04   | 2019-01-05   |  
| succeeded    | 2019-01-06   | 2019-01-06   |  
  • 最開始,我的想法是利用 variable,在每次 period_state 變換時,透過變數將該 period_state第一個日期作為錨點 anchor ,再使用 rank()start_date 做升序排序 rn
  • 透過 with clause 建立 status 表格,聯合 Failed 表格和 Successed 表格,篩選出 fail_datesuccess_date 介於 2019–01–012019-12-31 的資料集。
  • 透過 with clause 建立 date_anchor 表格,擴增 anchor_date欄位以便後續找出 end_date
    variable current_state ← 儲存當前 record 的 period_state
    variable date_anchor ← 儲存當前 period 的第一個日期
    透過子查詢初始化 variable current_statevariable date_anchor
  • 查詢 date_anchor 以建立子查詢表格 a
    子查詢表格中,利用 rank()start_date 做升序,以標記排序結果 rn 。並利用 max(start_date) over(partition by anchor_date) 取得每個 period 中最大的 start_date ,即該 period 的 end_date
  • 查詢 a 作為主要表格,利用 group by end_datehaving min(rn) 以篩選出符合輸出條件的資料。

解決方案 (Variable 版本)

status as (  
        period_state, start_date  
    from (  
        select fail_date as start_date, 'failed' as period_state from Failed  
        union all  
        select success_date as start_date, 'succeeded' as period_state from Succeeded  
    ) tmp  
    where start_date between '2019-01-01' and '2019-12-31'  
    order by start_date  
date_anchor as (  
        period_state, start_date, anchor_date  
            if(@current_state=a.period_state, @date_anchor, a.start_date) as anchor_date,  
            if(@current_state=a.period_state, @date_anchor, @date_anchor:=a.start_date),  
        from status a, (select @current_state:="initial", @date_anchor:="2018-12-31") init  
    ) anchor  
    a.period_state, a.start_date, a.end_date  
from (  
        period_state, start_date,   
        max(start_date) over(partition by anchor_date) as end_date,  
        rank() over(order by start_date) rn  
    from date_anchor  
) a  
group by end_date  
having min(rn)  
order by start_date

解題思考 (Rank版本)

  • 在提交了 variable 版本後,發現連續日期在排序後,其 rn 等差為 1 ,這表示每次 period_state 變換時,取第一個日期作為該 period 的最小值,則該 period 中所有資料都應符合 start_date-rn=min(start_date) 的條件,因此又寫了一個 Rank 版本。
  • 透過 with clause 分別建立 failed_statesuccesseded_state表格。
    篩選資料時間介於 2019–01–012019-12-31 的資料集,
    擴增 period_state 欄位,
    利用 rank() over(order by ) 標註排序結果 rn
  • 做子查詢表格 opt,聯合 failed_statesuccesseded_state
    failed_state 表格,以 group by period_state, date_add(fail_date, interval -rn day) ,分別找出failed_statesuccesseded_state,每個 period 的 min(date)max(date) ,作為輸出結果的 start_dateend_date 欄位。

解決方案 (Rank版本)

failed_state as (  
        'failed' as period_state,  
        rank() over(order by fail_date) -1 as rn  
    from Failed  
    where fail_date between '2019-01-01' and '2019-12-31'  
succeeded_state as (  
        'succeeded' as period_state,  
        rank() over(order by success_date) -1 as rn  
    from Succeeded  
    where success_date between '2019-01-01' and '2019-12-31'  
    period_state, start_date, end_date  
from (  
        min(fail_date) as start_date,  
        max(fail_date) as end_date  
    from failed_state  
    group by period_state, date_add(fail_date, interval -rn day)  
        min(success_date) as start_date,  
        max(success_date) as end_date  
    from succeeded_state  
    group by period_state, date_add(success_date, interval -rn day)  
) opt