
Table: Orders

| Column Name   | Type    |  
| order_id      | int     |  
| customer_id   | int     |  
| order_date    | date    |   
| item_id       | varchar |  
| quantity      | int     |  
(ordered_id, item_id) is the primary key for this table.  
This table contains information on the orders placed.  
order_date is the date item_id was ordered by the customer with id customer_id.

Table: Items

| Column Name         | Type    |  
| item_id             | varchar |  
| item_name           | varchar |  
| item_category       | varchar |  
item_id is the primary key for this table.  
item_name is the name of the item.  
item_category is the category of the item.

You are the business owner and would like to obtain a sales report for category items and the day of the week.

Write an SQL query to report how many units in each category have been ordered on each day of the week.

Return the result table ordered by category.

SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists Orders (order_id int, customer_id int, order_date date, item_id varchar(30), quantity int)  
Create table If Not Exists Items (item_id varchar(30), item_name varchar(30), item_category varchar(30))  
Truncate table Orders  
insert into Orders (order_id, customer_id, order_date, item_id, quantity) values ('1', '1', '2020-06-01', '1', '10')  
insert into Orders (order_id, customer_id, order_date, item_id, quantity) values ('2', '1', '2020-06-08', '2', '10')  
insert into Orders (order_id, customer_id, order_date, item_id, quantity) values ('3', '2', '2020-06-02', '1', '5')  
insert into Orders (order_id, customer_id, order_date, item_id, quantity) values ('4', '3', '2020-06-03', '3', '5')  
insert into Orders (order_id, customer_id, order_date, item_id, quantity) values ('5', '4', '2020-06-04', '4', '1')  
insert into Orders (order_id, customer_id, order_date, item_id, quantity) values ('6', '4', '2020-06-05', '5', '5')  
insert into Orders (order_id, customer_id, order_date, item_id, quantity) values ('7', '5', '2020-06-05', '1', '10')  
insert into Orders (order_id, customer_id, order_date, item_id, quantity) values ('8', '5', '2020-06-14', '4', '5')  
insert into Orders (order_id, customer_id, order_date, item_id, quantity) values ('9', '5', '2020-06-21', '3', '5')  
Truncate table Items  
insert into Items (item_id, item_name, item_category) values ('1', 'LC Alg. Book', 'Book')  
insert into Items (item_id, item_name, item_category) values ('2', 'LC DB. Book', 'Book')  
insert into Items (item_id, item_name, item_category) values ('3', 'LC SmarthPhone', 'Phone')  
insert into Items (item_id, item_name, item_category) values ('4', 'LC Phone 2020', 'Phone')  
insert into Items (item_id, item_name, item_category) values ('5', 'LC SmartGlass', 'Glasses')  
insert into Items (item_id, item_name, item_category) values ('6', 'LC T-Shirt XL', 'T-shirt')


  • 樞紐表要求依據分類 category列出周一至周日的數量 quantity統計,因此可以使用 left join 逐一列出樞紐表周一至周日的欄位。
| Category   | Monday    | Tuesday   | Wednesday | Thursday  | Friday    | Saturday  | Sunday    |  
| Book       | 20        | 5         | 0         | 0         | 10        | 0         | 0         |  
| Glasses    | 0         | 0         | 0         | 0         | 5         | 0         | 0         |  
| Phone      | 0         | 0         | 5         | 1         | 0         | 0         | 10        |  
| T-Shirt    | 0         | 0         | 0         | 0         | 0         | 0         | 0         |  
  • 利用 dayOfWeek()orders.order_date 轉換成周一至周日 day,並透過 with clause 建立新表格 orders_with_group,擷取 orders.order_idorders.quantity dayOfWeek() 轉換後的 day 以及和 items 表格關聯後取得的 items.item_category 欄位
  • 依據 orders_with_group加總每個 dayquantity ,並透過 with clause 建立新表 sum_quantity_by_category
    最後,從 items 表格列出不重複的 item_category ,並利用 left join 分別關聯周一至周日 dayquantity 加總。


orders_with_group as (  
        dayofweek(a.order_date) as day,   
        b.item_category, a.quantity  
    from orders a  
    join items b using(item_id)  
sum_quantity_by_category as (  
        sum(quantity) as sum_quantity  
    from orders_with_group  
    group by item_category, day  
    distinct(a.item_category) as Category,  
    ifnull(Mon.sum_quantity, 0) as Monday,  
    ifnull(Tue.sum_quantity, 0) as Tuesday,  
    ifnull(Wen.sum_quantity, 0) as Wednesday,  
    ifnull(Thu.sum_quantity, 0) as Thursday,  
    ifnull(Fri.sum_quantity, 0) as Friday,  
    ifnull(Sat.sum_quantity, 0) as Saturday,  
    ifnull(Sun.sum_quantity, 0) as Sunday  
from items a  
left join ( select item_category, sum_quantity from sum_quantity_by_category where day=2) Mon using(item_category)  
left join ( select item_category, sum_quantity from sum_quantity_by_category where day=3) Tue using(item_category)  
left join ( select item_category, sum_quantity from sum_quantity_by_category where day=4) Wen using(item_category)  
left join ( select item_category, sum_quantity from sum_quantity_by_category where day=5) Thu using(item_category)  
left join ( select item_category, sum_quantity from sum_quantity_by_category where day=6) Fri using(item_category)  
left join ( select item_category, sum_quantity from sum_quantity_by_category where day=7) Sat using(item_category)  
left join ( select item_category, sum_quantity from sum_quantity_by_category where day=1) Sun using(item_category)  
order by a.item_category  
Map the return value of function dayOfWeek and text  
1 = Sunday  
2 = Monday  
3 = Tuesday  
4 = Wednesday  
5 = Thursday  
6 = Friday  
7 = Saturday  