
Table: Players

| Column Name | Type  |  
| player_id   | int   |  
| group_id    | int   |  
player_id is the primary key of this table.  
Each row of this table indicates the group of each player.

Table: Matches

| Column Name   | Type    |  
| match_id      | int     |  
| first_player  | int     |  
| second_player | int     |   
| first_score   | int     |  
| second_score  | int     |  
match_id is the primary key of this table.  
Each row is a record of a match, first_player and second_player contain the player_id of each match.  
first_score and second_score contain the number of points of the first_player and second_player respectively.  
You may assume that, in each match, players belong to the same group.

The winner in each group is the player who scored the maximum total points within the group. In the case of a tie, the lowest player_id wins.

Write an SQL query to find the winner in each group.

Return the result table in any order.

SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists Players (player_id int, group_id int)  
Create table If Not Exists Matches (match_id int, first_player int, second_player int, first_score int, second_score int)  
Truncate table Players  
insert into Players (player_id, group_id) values ('10', '2')  
insert into Players (player_id, group_id) values ('15', '1')  
insert into Players (player_id, group_id) values ('20', '3')  
insert into Players (player_id, group_id) values ('25', '1')  
insert into Players (player_id, group_id) values ('30', '1')  
insert into Players (player_id, group_id) values ('35', '2')  
insert into Players (player_id, group_id) values ('40', '3')  
insert into Players (player_id, group_id) values ('45', '1')  
insert into Players (player_id, group_id) values ('50', '2')  
Truncate table Matches  
insert into Matches (match_id, first_player, second_player, first_score, second_score) values ('1', '15', '45', '3', '0')  
insert into Matches (match_id, first_player, second_player, first_score, second_score) values ('2', '30', '25', '1', '2')  
insert into Matches (match_id, first_player, second_player, first_score, second_score) values ('3', '30', '15', '2', '0')  
insert into Matches (match_id, first_player, second_player, first_score, second_score) values ('4', '40', '20', '5', '2')  
insert into Matches (match_id, first_player, second_player, first_score, second_score) values ('5', '35', '50', '1', '1')


  • 樞紐表要求輸出每個 group 內總計得分最高的玩家,若遇到平分情況則以 player_id 較小的一方獲勝。
    這題的思考方式和 [leetcode][Database][Hard]1972. First and Last Call On the Same Day 雷同。
  • 透過 with clause 建立 max_score_of_player 表格,並分別加總每位 playerscore
    score 表格中的 first_playersecond_player 拆分成兩張子表,並擷取 first_scoresecond_score 以便進行每位 playerscore 加總。
  • 透過 with clause 建立 group_player_rank 表格,選擇 players 表格作為查詢主表並關聯 max_score_of_player ,並依據 max_score_of_player.score 降序和 players.player_id 升序的方式,利用 rank()函數對players.group 進行排名 rn
  • 最後,查詢 group_player_rank.rn1 的資料,便能找出每個 group 總計得分最高的 player


max_score_of_player as (  
        sum(score) as score  
    from (  
        select first_player as player_id, first_score as score from matches  
        union all  
        select second_player as player_id, second_score as score from matches  
    ) a  
    group by player_id  
group_player_rank as (  
        rank() over(partition by a.group_id order by b.score desc, a.player_id asc) as rn  
    from players a  
    join max_score_of_player b using(player_id)  
    group_id, player_id  
from group_player_rank  
where rn = 1